Global Patient Movement Requirements Course
The Global Patient Movement Requirements Center (GPMRC) provides medical regulating and aeromedical evacuation scheduling for the continental United States and inter-theater operations and supports the theater patient movement requirements centers. GPMRC coordinates with supporting resource providers to identify available assets and communicates transport to the appropriate transportation agency for execution.
The goals of the course are to:
Identify appropriate patients for aeromedical transport and provide guidance for safe aeromedical transport of patients with common medical problems.
Learn the flight surgeon crew duties on actual aeromedical evacuation missions.
Present clinical briefings to other healthcare workers regarding aeromedical issues in patient movement.
Understand of the patient movement and validation processes.
Utilize information management tools to document patient movement validation and in-transit care using TRANSCOM Regulating Command and Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES).
Learn the operational use of aerospace biomedical equipment.
This course takes place in multiple locations, starting at Scott Air Force Base, IL, then travelling to Joint Base Andrews, MD to meet up with a aeromedical evacuation flight that stops at multiple locations across the United States. You will ultimately fly back to Pensacola from that flight's final destination (usually somewhere in Texas).
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland
One week.